Writing the Book, Part Five

This will be the final post in this series describing the steps involved in writing The Descendants of Isaac Casbon in America, which I published in late November 2019. This is also my third post in the Guild of One-Name Studies 2020 Blog Challenge. In the previous post I described the final steps in preparing… Continue reading Writing the Book, Part Five

Writing the Book, Part Four

This is my second post in the Guild of One-Name Studies 2020 Blog challenge. In the previous post, I discussed the process of writing the text for The Descendants of Isaac Casbon in America. Today I’ll talk about three important steps needed to get the text ready for printing. These are use of illustrations, editing, and… Continue reading Writing the Book, Part Four

Writing the Book, Part Two

In my previous post  I explained the planned scope of my book and my intention to write it in Register style. Before I could start writing, I needed to compile and organize a great deal of information. Today’s post looks at the information that went into writing the book and how it was obtained. My… Continue reading Writing the Book, Part Two

Writing the Book, Part One

With this and subsequent posts, I plan to describe how I went about planning and writing The Descendants of Isaac Casbon in America (see "The Casbon Book" link at top menu). The stages in the book’s production were something like this: The decision to write; scope of the project; format Compiling the information Writing Editing… Continue reading Writing the Book, Part One